OUR Evaluation Process

A comprehensive assessment is a necessity as it serves as a guide for effective intervention and effective treatment. Our approach to the assessment process is process-based. We seek to understand how the child's sensory impairments interact with relationships and regulation as well as how these impairments impact function. We gather information from multiple sources and assess using both top-down and bottom-up assessing.  

▪ Client intake and history (pre-assessment)  

▪ Clinical observation (structured and unstructured in the clinic)

▪ Test administration (standardized and non-standardized) 

▪ Parent Report Measures (i.e., Sensory Processing Measure, Sensory Profile TM 2)



To support your child in their usual and learning environments, we may suggest site visits to the home, school, and community programs.

The emphasis of re-designing a child’s play space is on creating environments that work WITH the child’s unique talents and abilities, not on changing WHO the child is.

Every child’s environment can impact his or her ability to explore and engage in several primary sensory-motor experiences.

For all children, these experiences are essential, as they form the foundation that nurtures developmentally appropriate play, self-help, and learning.

Creating functional play spaces allows children to work from their strengths while pushing into new areas. The resulting activities can foster physical, emotional, and intellectual growth and development.